Friday, November 29, 2019

Three Rules For A Good Book Essays - Mr. Tucket, Oregon Trail

Three rules for a good book The two books that I read this summer are: "California Blue" by David Klass, and "Mr. Tucket" by Gary Paulsen. "There are three rules for writing a good book. Unfortunately no one knows what they are". That quote was said by W. Somerset Maugham. Every Author has their own three rules. I came up with my own. The three rules that I think are the most important.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Gcse English Poetry Essays

Gcse English Poetry Essays Gcse English Poetry Essay Gcse English Poetry Essay Essay Topic: W H auden Poems The two poems that I will be analysing are Stop all the Clocks by W. H. Auden and The Vet by Gillian Clarke. My discussion will be based on the theme of the poems and look at how the poets used form and language to help his readers understand and make meaning out of the poem. STOP ALL THE CLOCKS THEME The theme of this poem is about grief. The poet takes his readers through a simple but complex journey that explains the different stages of grief that a person feels when a loved one dies. The poem reveals the emotional upheaval that death can cause. The grief felt is carefully illustrated by the poet in the form and language he uses throughout the poem which has a strict rhyming scheme of AABB throughout the 4 stanzas. FORM AND LANGUAGE The form and language that was used by the poet to describe the feeling and mood of the bereaved was spread throughout. The first stanza simply showed the first stage of grief and that the bereaved is coming to terms with the death of a loved one. For example, he said stop all the clocks which signified that he wanted to focus on what had just happened and does not want to forget his love as people do over a period of time. : Again he said, cut off the telephone meaning he wanted to be alone without communicating to anyone. This is because she wanted to concentrate and grieve on the death of his loved one without people offering their condolences. Then the last line of the stanza, he said, bring out the coffin which suggests that he wanted to start making funeral plans. In the second stanza he wanted to let everyone know that his loved one has died and he mentioned in the first line, let aeroplane circle moaning overhead which means that he wanted everyone to join him in feeling the pain and grief he feels and that a great man had passed. In the second line he said, scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead to acknowledge the tragic passing away of someone special in his life. Also there were inclusions of some metaphors such as crepe which suggests fragility of life and love, dove which signifies that he wants peace and traffic policemen which suggests that he wants order to prevail and justice be served. All these words were used to describe his feelings instead of using the direct feelings. The third stanza is very different from the previous two because the narrator gets personal with the readers by telling them what he meant to him. For example, in the first line he said, He was my North, my South, my East, and West. He started using a lot of commas which changes the rhythm of the poem. He slows down the pace at which he narrates and makes the readers focus on the pain he feels. There was a consistent repetition of my in the stanza because the narrator gets personal and reveals how much he hurts about the passing away of his loved one. A metaphor of compass which signified that he has lost direction in life as his beloved had died. He also talks about the times of day and days of the week that emphasises how much he had lost now he is dead. The last stanza is all about the anger and destructive character that the narrator adopts as his tone changes and he says the stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. It signifies that he has lost his faith in romance. The last stanza emphasises finality because in the last line he said nothing can ever come to any good meaning he has lost faith in life and love and he has nothing to work for as it does not come to any good. THE VET The theme of The Vet is basically the unpleasant experience associated with conceiving. It is circulated around child that witnessed the birth of a baby calf. The poet tries to paint a picture in the mind of the readers of the painful procedure involved in delivering. The poet uses an Alliteration in the last stanza on the forth line gleaming, silver, sweet under the tongue.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Critically assess the contention that temperate forests are in Essay

Critically assess the contention that temperate forests are in equilibrium with climate - Essay Example librium with its climate by considering paleocological studies concerned with the effects of climate change to ancient forests as well as more recent studies of the ;problem of global warming and its effects on temperate forests. Do temperate forests exhibit stability in terms of cover, biodiversity and function in the carbon cycle? What is causing temperate forests to decline if it is indeed in equilibrium with climate? The article â€Å"Forests and climate change† (FAO Corporate Document Repository) states that forests serve an important function in the environmental balance as a carbon pool. A carbon pool is the storage area where carbon dioxide is released or stored. The rate of exchange normally depends on the life cycle of the forest elements. Ideally, the forests are in a state of a perpetual carbon sink, which is defined as a system in which there is more carbon going in than out. Equally admirable is when the amount of carbon absorbed from the atmosphere is equal to the amount of carbon released back into the environment. Unfortunately, especially since the Industrial revolution, this balance has been upset to an increasing degree until the effects of the climate system imbalance has become too severe to be ignored. There have been several efforts in limiting, and hopefully eventually eradicating, this imbalance, with minimal success. One of the more seemingly ecologically correct notions is to implement forest management policies to preserve existing forests and to extend its area through afforestation. Dudley states the preservation of the old temperate forests would be of benefit to the ecology. However, he further implies that the establishment of newer, faster-growing but ecologically unfit forests would be detrimental to the cause of ecological salvaging. Temperate forests are found mainly in western and central Europe, the eastern side of North America and northeastern Asia. These are scattered all over the middle and high latitudes although

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sincere believes about the morality of divorce will not influence God Research Paper

Sincere believes about the morality of divorce will not influence God judgment of us as true believers - Research Paper Example Morals are rules or habits of conduct, especially sexual conduct, with reference to standards of right and wrong. They are concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of a human action, or the character of the individual in question. The issue arises from the fact that different people, and different organizations, have different definitions of what is right or wrong, good or bad, and the way that they interpret and act upon those definitions. Of the many great social issues in our time, one of the most often debated is the prevalence of divorce in society today; due to the immense influence of Christianity throughout history, with special reference into its heavy influences upon Western culture, this is doubly true, as the predominant views on the institution of marriage itself are due to the views provided in the Bible itself. The influences of Christianity on marriage may be seen in the vows themselves, as evidenced by the sample vows provided here: â€Å"With deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. As is Christ to His body, the church, so I will be to you a loving and faithful husband. Always will I perform my headship over you even as Christ does over me† (,. 1995). ... So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate’† (New English Bible, 1963). Ephesians 5:22 states â€Å"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything† (New English Bible, 1963). The concept of marriage is discussed so frequently, and so in depth in the Bible itself, that it is not surprising that in a country founded by Christians who were looking for an escape from religious persecution, the idea of divorce has become a hotly debated one. The traditional teachings of Christianity believed that divorce was wrong; according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, â€Å"divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with ea ch other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of salvation; of which sacramental marriage is the sign†¦divorce is immoral also because it introduces disorder into the family and into society† (Abbott, 2012). It was, and is, not just the Catholic Church that advocated for the immorality of divorce, for many Christians will also quote Matthew 19:9, which states â€Å"And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery† (New English Bible, 1963); another commonly quoted verse is Luke 16:18, â€Å"Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery† (New English Bible, 1963). While it is true that the teachings of Jesus allow for divorce under

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management planning and control system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management planning and control system - Essay Example So as to avert the frauds and errors, the modern business world has developed some potential tools. These tools include accounting techniques and control systems such as internal check system. According to Macintosh â€Å"accounting and control systems can and do play a critical role in defining the moral constitution of an organisation† (1994, p.174). In order to better understand this statement, it is essential to evaluate control systems and accounting techniques separately. This paper will evaluate the efficacy of such tools in defining the ethical status of an organization. Impacts of control systems on organization In the opinion of Basu (2009, p. 4.13), internal check can be defined as an arrangement of staff duties whereby no person is allowed to deal with the entire process of a transaction. As a result of this practice, every record is checked by several persons so as to ensure the accuracy of the book of accounts. This method would also assist the organisation to de tect errors and frauds that already committed by accounting clerks. Since employees are not permitted to deal with a transaction from beginning to end, their unfair practices would be detected in subsequent checks if they have committed any. When such a practice is being exercised in an organisation, the employees will be very cautious about the fair maintenance of accounts. This careful account preparation minimises the elements of errors to a large extent. At the same time, the fear about detection of frauds and thereby compulsory job termination would persuade employees to treat organisational documents genuinely. Nowadays, majority organisations practice this type of internal control system in order to increase the reliability of their financial information. In short, control systems and thereby the feeling of being discovered would aid the organisation to exercise moral pressure over its employees. Impacts of accounting on organization If control systems are employed to put a c heck to errors and frauds, the accounting procedures mainly propose to identify elements have already been committed. At the same time, it must be noted that control techniques are part of a well formulated accounting system. According to American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), accounting is defined as â€Å"the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof† (as cited in Jon, 2008). Although, the basic components of accounting such as journalising and posting are carried out in a day to day manner, the final accounts are prepared at the end of the financial year. The final financial statement provides the state of affairs of the business, and on the strength of this report; it is possible to verify the book balances with actual business status. If any difference is identified between book value an d actual value, the concerned accounting clerks are held liable to compensate the detected damages. This procedure also puts some moral pressure over employees to keep the accounts accurately and sincerely. In the opinion of Roy (n.d.), forensic accounting is the recently introduced branch of accounting that can be effectively employed to deal with errors and frauds. Under this system, the firms treat all

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The New England Colonial Period

The New England Colonial Period Tony Calloway Discussion Question 1. According to the article, With All the Grace of the Sex, were women active participants in colonial trade? How and why? Women had to be active participants in a colonial trade. I mean most of these women, displayed a matter of filling empty holes in their lives. There were widowed spouses or empty professions within the community. The With All The Grace of Sex article addresses of all practice of manual trade being performed by women because not all wanted to sew or cook. Some had no choice but to do the labor of a profession those others saw as a mans job. Those are jobs typically family responsibilities with everyone playing some duty within the trade. Many of the women did not need men to run the businesses. A lot of the women grew to be champions of these professions out of necessity. The only way there was clear evidence that women did work in these occupations, were the occasional discovery of documentation that has been maintained showing these evidence. Furthermore, within this literature, we would notice how frequently women were becoming apprentices and masters of trades alongside their male counterparts. Granted; the manual labor associated with various occupations, it was a wonder the existence of women apprentice and masters that were in questioned. Men that use forges, hammers and leather working tools had put some the best men to the test. To have the stamina and physical courage these women needed to prove themselves was very impressive. Like my dad use to say do not put tomorrow what can be done today. After reading the article, it would seem that women had to do what they had to do. However, that is the binary of the way women have been for a since the beginning of time. Lesson 3 1. The article, Deaths Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow and the images of the early American grave art give us insight to life during the New England colonial period. How had the views of religion and death changed over the time period, 1720 to 1820? How were these changes reflected on the gravestones? What specifically can historians learn about the Puritan from these stones Jim Deetz Edwin Dethlefsen (1960s-70s) Are two archeologicalist that studied on New England gravestones Identification of 3 main motifs in period 1680-1820. These were the Winged Deaths Head 1680-1780, the Winged Cherub 1760-1800, and Urn Willow 1770-1820. In the 17th and 18th century gravestones in Massachusetts were decorated with a traditional set of designs that have distinctive spatial and temporal limits. The pioneering gravestones in Bostons burying grounds were simple, roughly cut greenstone markers. Individual headstones bared short or no beautifying carving and often had little inscriptions, which ordinarily had a person name, and theyre the date of death. The writings interruptive punctuation, were like a encrypted carving style with a characterized raised period separating the word. Treating them as if they were archaeological phenomena, one can demonstrate and test methods of inferring diffusion, dedication and the culture that carved it. The Early popularity of Death s head design displayed the Puritans attitudes, and Urn Motifs indicated the breakdown of these values. While cherubs appear most premature among an urban innovation society in Cambridge, They remain a nearly insignificant type in this central area but are rapidly being embraced in outer districts further removed from the center of influence. Imperfect reproduction of distinct design gives rise to distinctive local styles of other districts. The delivery of these local forms in time and space presents further insights regarding the religious difference in the Colonial period, including a clear indication of how this change progressed in different geographical areas at different times. The appearance that draws archeologists the most when it comes to Puritan headstones is the uniform appearance of the three types (Deaths Head, Cherub, Urn, and Willow). The Deaths Head representation was very common early on through the 17th century. It was a type that Puritans used to emphasize the mortality of man moreover. However, after the Great Awakening and the spread of the belief in an immortal soul, the Cherub became the more popular type. The Cherub image symbolized resurrection. During the 18th and 19th centuries, right after the revival of the Greek in America, the Urn and Willow grew to be a regularly used motif on tombstones. The quality of the monument was dependent upon two factors, the skill of the stonecutter and the budget of the family. In Boston, stonecutters were also masons, woodcarvers, bricklayers and even farmers carved gravestones as another way of sustaining their families. On numerous occasions, to save money and to deliver a high-quality headstone with fine art and speed, many of the Stonecutters made prefabricated headstones. This way all they would do was insert the name and date of the deceased upon placement of order. It wouldnt take much to seek out this fantastic artwork that can be found in many places in New England to include Copps Hill in Boston the old Freedom Trail, and another favorite spot to Bostonians the Old Burying Point in Salem Massachusetts. Grave markers and the burial grounds in which they are found have become identified as having historical importance, and they have familiarized their topics for research. The traditional cultures, a grave marker serves partly a function of commemoration as well as an indicator of status. To an archeologist, these markers serve as original recordings linking to the departed individuals living as well as, a more comprehensive sense, to the society in which the individual lived and ultimately died. New Jersey can also provide some eighteenth-century grave markers like the ones in Monmouth County. These stones can give some insights into the developmental years of the colony. Although Monmouth County does share the timeline within many similarities of the colonial New England gravestone carving tradition, it also displays significant differences. Hereabouts, the choice of the gravestone in Monmouth County held related to personal inclinations within the broader trends before classified i n New England. However, with the more inquisitive minds; studying gravestones can easily part into disciplines like a historical archaeology, or even like this class art history, even a genealogist when the training is more focused on the individual family. Particular scientific archaeological studies of colonial gravestones were sparked into motion by the outstanding research by James Deetz and Edwin Dethlefsen as before mentioned, who studied within the Boston Massachusetts area. Their conclusions presented a temporally linear course of iconographic designs used in the local carving tradition; starting with stark mortality symbols such as deaths heads, with more hopeful cherubs in the early eighteenth century, and then forming the more profane, neoclassical urn and willow tree designs. Another type of style was the motif, which was used on Bostons seventeenth-century grave markers dubbed the deaths head. Deaths head, often including wings and crossed bones, is a stylized skull that is used by todays motorcycle gangs and gothic. Although folks were thinking that winged skulls been designed to symbolize physical death and spiritual regeneration this was not the case. It is essential to note that Boston-based Puritans were not advocates of using holy symbols, like cherubs, crosses in the place of meeting, of silver, or on their headstones. Puritans were adamantly opposed to connecting the human form to spiritual beings such as God, angels, or spirits. The deaths head, which in its right, is a non-religious symbol and was the first description applied to gravestone carving. Additional decorative motifs following the deaths head were the hourglass with wings symbolizing the concept time flies, elaborately carved on the side panels along with florets, finials, foliage, fruit, and imp-and-dragon figures. The seventeenth and eighteenth-century headstones had solemn inscriptions that inspired passers-by to contemplate mortality and the temporary nature of life on earth. There must have a broad range of the deaths head motif. The features and arrangement of the image depended uniquely on the preferred style of the carver. Those creating their style of carving like silversmiths, tanners, carpenters, and other artisans, gravestone carvers had specific techniques and skills. The style was almost like a calling card for some. Through inquiry research, newspaper and ads, announcements, signed or initialed stones, ledger books, and other original reference materials, twentieth-century historians were able to recognize many of these makers. As the immigrants began to reach a more stable lifestyle and acquire wealth, they were better able to afford more extravagant personal items whichever could serve as representations of their socioeconomic status. Individual belongings could have extended from a broader, more pretentious house; a cabinet full of silver plates imported from China to large lavishly engraved gravestones. Lesson 3 Discussion Question 1. How did the Northern demography differ from that of the Southern colonies? Compare and contrast the social, economic, gender, and racial hierarchy of the New England and Southern Colonies. During the mid-1700s, there was an influx of immigrants migrating to America. During this time there was an abundance of food to go around, and that allowed for a generally good health of the majority of the colonist. By which it would allow more women to reproduce and share a low mortality rate, with the help ladies having several or more children during their life. With this expansion became the love of social class and hierarchy. The North school system celebrated and embraced social mobility, and the entrance of newly prosperous planters, commercial farmers, and retailers into the upper ranks was not only likely but also common. (Faragher 2012) While there was a well-established upper class in the Northern Colonies, there was also the scant and poverty-stricken lower class as well. It was composed of slaves, bound servants, and the poor laborers. This group made little less than half of the Northern colonies population, and their standard of living was just above minimum subsiste nce. While both the Northern and the Southern colonies each had their hierarchy system, and they were similar in ways yet different in others. In Southern colonies, the standards needed for social status was racial purity. These ethnic pure Spanish colonists held the top of the social ladder. Spanish of mixed ancestry were in the middle and Indians, and African slaves were placed at the bottom. Though there was strife for nonwhites in the north, the separation of lines was obscured. The colonist had possibilities to move up or down the ladder at their will. Biracial Northern colonist experienced much more opportunity compared to their Southern counterparts. The Northern upper class was typically made up of landowners, merchants, and prosperous professionals. These upper class Northerners were living a much more lavish and extravagant life than the upper class Southern colonist. References Deetz, J., Dethlefsen, E. S. (2007). Deaths Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow. Retrieved from Faragher, J. M., Buhle, M. J., Czitrom, D., Armitage, S. H. (2012). Out Of Many A History of the American People (6th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson. Howe, J. (1998). Greek Revival. Retrieved from Revolutionary Windsor. (n.d.). Wooodard, D. D., Doody, D. (). With All the Grace of the Sex. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating School Education Essays

Plagiarism and the Internet Premarital sexual activity and drug and alcohol use are high in the list of problems in schools and universities today. Equally as severe is plagiarism, the act of taking credit for another person words or ideas. Plagiarism is a major problem in educational institutions. There are reasons for this action, the  ¡Ãƒ easy ¡ÃƒÅ" way out of writing assignments and projects. However, there are also ways to remedy the situation. Thus, plagiarism is a problem, but it is possible through education to substantially lower its use. Students rationalize entirely too much when it comes to essays and other assignments. Whether it is poor time management or lack of incentive, plagiarism is always wrong. Not only is taking another person ¦Ãƒ s thoughts not moral, but it is punishable by law. It is a serious offense. Pupils plagiarize because it is virtually effortless. With the Internet both available everywhere and used as a daily necessity, there is a plethora of information at one ¦Ãƒ s fingertips. Also, students find that plagiarism is not addressed as a serious problem because it is often undetected, much less punished. These reasons encompass the motives behind plagiarism. The situation isn ¦Ãƒ t entirely hopeless, however. Education is the key to decreasing the thirty-six percent of college students who confess to plagiarizing papers and other such materials (Paradigms 1). One way to educate is to inform students of the Copyright Act and of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The former states that fair uses are not an infringement of copyright (Loren 4). A fair use refers to uses such as reports, essays, and research in which a source is properly cited. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act provides for copyright owners who believe that their material on the Internet is breaching their rights (Loren 4). Both of these laws have severe consequences. If educators familiarized their students with these, then plagiarism would decrease inversely with the understanding of the severity of the act. Teachers must make this effort, just as students must make their own effort to do their own work. Also, teachers ought to enforce discipline when it co mes to a violation like plagiarism and create an association between plagiarism and punishment, not plagiarism and indifference. This is how plagiarism should be dealt with in the classroom. An omnipresent situation in schools today is plagiarism.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dire Predictions: Global Warming

Geography November 29, 2010 Dire Predictions : Student Edition Chapter one of Dire Predictions Understanding Global Warming does exactly like the title says, it gives the reader the essential basics of understanding the Global Warming issue. Chapter one gives essential information covering a wide range of things including: the natural and human impacts on climate, definition of a greenhouse gas and how it affects temperature, positive and negative feedback loops, threatening human byproducts that affect the ozone, ways scientists study ancient climates, and it gives possible future Earth outcomes due to global warming.It is a really loaded chapter I know, but this information proves to be very valuable when learning about global warming. In fact, the information is so valuable that it can’t be covered by just stating a quick overview of the chapter, but needs a more detailed summary. Some natural variables that potentially affect the Earth’s climate include the sun, vol canic eruptions, and Earth’s orbit. But how exactly does something like a volcanic eruption effect climate?This is because â€Å"Explosive volcanic eruptions modify the composition of the atmosphere by injecting small particles called aerosols into the atmosphere layer. † These released aerosols block the solar radiation that would have reached Earth’s surface and consequently, it has cooling effect on Earth’s surface. The more talked about topic in chapter one however is the non-natural, or human induced impacts causing global warming. Humans burning of fossil fuels and release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) are both examples of human variables that affect global warming.CFC’s are a kind of gas that is released by cooling apparatus’ such as the refrigerator. These gasses have been proven to destroy the ozone. Furthermore, the book goes on to prove that the major impacts causing global warming are not natural but mostly human made. It states that the hole in the ozone is not mostly caused by a natural increase in CO2 gasses but the release of CFC-11 and CFC-12 gasses by humans into the environment. As proof of the gasses affect on the ozone it states that the average temperature of the globe has gone up from 13. degrees Celsius to 14. 5 degrees Celsius. It seems like a small amount of temperature increase but even one degree average increase can have a major influence on global warming. Finally, chapter one goes on to describe what happens if these patterns persist. So what will happen if these patterns persist, and what effects will it have on agriculture and man? To better understand what will happen to us, we have to understand what the ozone layer does. The ozone layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation.If these patterns persist the ozone will protect less and less ultraviolet radiation from entering Earth’s atmosphere. If this happens then the ice caps will melt which will be catastrophic to man and agriculture. According to http://www. tropical-rainforest-animals. com/Global-Warming-Effects. html some effects of global warming will be: Floods Droughts, Heat waves, Extreme winter cold and snow fall, Tornadoes, Extreme storms, Tropical cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons. You don’t have to be a geography major to know that these types of effects will deal a devastating blow to people and plants.Precipitation patterns will also change everywhere, messing up normal agricultural growth. Some more effects global warming will have on agriculture and animals is it will make trees produce leaves earlier, it will cause earlier greening on vegetation, it causes re-distributions of algae that will kill animals that eat it to survive, and the ultraviolet radiation will ultimately poison humans and animals and destroy plants everywhere. If we have no ozone life will be unsustainable on Earth. But wait, all these horrible things don’t have to happen; we can do things to prevent global warming.We can start to help this not to happen by burning up less fossil fuels, thus reducing emissions into the ozone. Scientists and mechanics have recently been working together to make cars that produce less waste and are better for the environment. We can help by buying these kinds of cars and investing in this type of research. Another way to help is if we as a world unite and we set goals and laws that require fewer emissions from each country. Also, it may seem small but a way we can all help is by recycling things which cuts down the waste it takes to make whole new things.More ways you can help are by: using less air conditioning and heat, changing light bulbs to more energy efficient ones, buying energy efficient products, driving less or carpooling, using less hot water, and finally planting a tree. Although planting a tree or changing a light bulb may seem like a small way to help, if everyone in the world followed these suggestions emissions would b e greatly reduced which could save the Earth. Scientists have worked together to try to understand the problem.By constantly recording new data and looking at old data they have come to a better understanding of what we use that causes these emissions and the way it affects us and our planet. A way scientists have studied the ancient atmosphere is by drilling into the ice caps and examining the trapped air. Also scientists are constantly observing the ozone layer to see any changes that might come. Scientists also look at what kind of molecules the ozone is made of and gasses that could destroy it. Learning about the problem is half the battle so we are on our way to a brighter tomorrow.I think the information given in the book was good information based on scientific truths. The information in this book was very easy to follow as almost every page had a corresponding graph or picture to help you understand the information given. However one of the problems I had with the informatio n in this book is I felt that it was really quick to discredit the other side of the argument with not much detail. When faced with an opposing point the author just basically says that all other views are wrong and moves on.Also, the information in this book jumped to something completely different every other page. But that being said I did learn a lot from reading this book. The thing I found most interesting in the book were some of the statistics given throughout the chapter. For example thought how long the gasses CFC-11 and CFC-12 last and how much more potent it is that carbon dioxide. Even after five hundred years after CFC-12 is released, it is still 5,200 times more potent than carbon dioxide. And five hundred years after CFC-11 is released, it is 1,620 times more potent that the carbon dioxide (Dire Predictions, p. 9). With CFC gasses and other harmful gasses lasting this long it is important to stop the release of these harmful gasses as soon as we can. Another thing I found interesting in the book was the change in Mount Kilimanjaro snow coverage over time. First, it shows Mount Kilimanjaro during the year 1912 and it is covered in snow. That picture is followed by a picture of Mount Kilimanjaro during the year 2007, and the snow cover has almost all disappeared. Another statistic I found very interesting in chapter one is the graphs on page thirty-three.These graphs show the amount of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere before and up to 2005. The graphs show that the levels of these greenhouse gasses are pretty constant until it reaches the year 2005; When the graph line representing the gasses reaches to just before the year 2005, levels of all three of these gasses skyrocket. (Dire Predictions, pg. 33) Reading this book made me realize how serious the global warming issue is and how it is already affecting the world today. Due to global warming life as we know it could possibly come to an end.But don’t start put ting your bucket list together just yet. If we start doing things everyday to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses we can make sure that tomorrow is a brighter day, figuratively that is. The things stated earlier (using less air conditioning and heat, changing light bulbs to more energy efficient ones, buying energy efficient products, driving less or carpooling, using less hot water, planting trees) are all examples of everyday things we can do to help the environment and stop global warming.Another thing that people can do to help this problem is by educating themselves about global warming. By educating yourself about global warming you can solve the problem easier because you know the causes. Also you can educate other people about the importance of taking global warming into consideration. If everyone around the world pitches in to try to help, maybe the next book we read will be Optimistic Predictions.Works Cited Banerjee, Subhankar. â€Å"Global Warming. † New York Times. 6 Oct. 2010. Mann, Michael E. , and Lee R. Kump. Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming. New York, NY: DK Pub. , 2009. Print. May, Elizabeth, and Zoe? Caron. Global warming for dummies . Mississauga, ON: J. Wiley & Sons Canada, 2009. Print. Nodvin, Stephen C. â€Å"Global Warming. † encyclopedia of earth. 9 May. 2010. 29 Nov. 2010. . Yeatman, William. â€Å"Global Warming: Solutions/Cost/Science GlobalWarming. org  |  Archive  |  Global Warming 101 . † Global Warming . N. p. , 9 Feb. 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

20 Narrative Essay Topics on Nuclear Corrosion

20 Narrative Essay Topics on Nuclear Corrosion Writing intelligently about nuclear power, its history and the role it has played in shaping the human environment as we know it, is a technical task that comes with a lot of research which could be quite challenging to the average student. Therefore, understanding aspects of nuclear corrosion in order to select a topic to write on will help you order your thoughts and apply yourself constructively during the research phase. To overcome the mentioned difficulties above, this article will focus on providing the reader with 20 exciting topics on nuclear material corrosion that can serve as your inspiration, as well as a sample narrative essay which will be written using one of the topics on the list below as its guide. But before going ahead with the list, here is a brief outline of the concept of nuclear corrosion; nuclear corrosion is the corroding of metallic materials used in a nuclear plant due to external influences. Severe corrosion can lead to nuclear accidents and has been responsible for some of the nuclear disasters man has experienced in the 20th century. 20 Interesting Narrative Essay Topics on Nuclear Corrosion: Material Corrosion in Nuclear Plants and its Economic Effects Effective Methods in Mitigating the Possibility of Nuclear Corrosion Making a Case for the Use of Corrosion Resistant Metals in Nuclear Power Plants Exploring the Role of Corrosion Resistant Metals as Safety Nets in Nuclear Plants Exploring the different Types of Nuclear Corrosion and their Causes Stress Controlled Cracking and its Effects on Nuclear Materials Environmentally Assisted Cracking Effects on Nuclear Materials Irradiation-assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking in Nuclear Power Plants Microbiologically Assisted Cracking and Why They Occur in Nuclear Power Plants Discussing the Different Techniques for Combating Nuclear Material Corrosion A History of Security Measures for Nuclear Power Plants in the United States Securing the Earth’s Environment by Effective Nuclear Waste Disposal Policies Analyzing Nuclear Waste Disposal Deficiencies and their Harmful Effects Nuclear Corrosion: the Trade-off between Disaster and Economic Growth The Effects of Nuclear Corrosion on the Ecosystem How Secure are Nuclear Power Plants: An Objective Analysis of the Nuclear Industry The Economic Benefits of Nuclear Power and Corrosion Mitigation Discussing Next-generation Nuclear System’s Impact on Nuclear Corrosion Mitigating Nuclear Material Corrosion through the Use of Control Policies Investigating the Use of Corrosion Resistant Metal Alloys in Mitigating Nuclear Accidents Now that you have your narrative essay topics, the next step is developing your essay by making use of facts and figures to investigate, discuss or explain your position on nuclear corrosion. In order to help you do this, a sample narrative essay will be written using one of the topics on the list. This will serve as a simple guide for students on essay writing. Sample Essay: Material Corrosion in Nuclear Plants and its Economic Effects During the building of a nuclear power plants, diverse metal and metal alloys are made use of in building nuclear reactors and cores. These metals and alloys are susceptible to corrosion and in situations when metals become corroded; the entire nuclear plant becomes compromised with far-reaching economic effects. My essay will attempt to explore the economic effects of nuclear corrosion in the United States as well as worldwide. Nuclear corrosion is when external sources which can be environmental cause the metallic materials used in a nuclear plant to corrode. If this corrosion remains unchecked and becomes widespread, the chances of radioactive gasses escaping into the earth’s atmosphere are greatly increased. Sadly, throughout the history of the nuclear industry, corrosion in nuclear plants has been left unchecked and this has led to nuclear disasters in countries such as the former Soviet Union and the United States. When such accident occur, it damages the environment and lead to excessive capital expenditure to clean up radiation spills or man exclusive zones such as Chernobyl were security guards are kept around its perimeter round the clock. Mitigating these risks and managing corrosion is a very expensive responsibility. Statistics show that the United States spends approximately $20billion to manage issues due to corrosion in its nuclear materials. While in Russia, the spending figures to manage corrosion from its defense department is approximately $10billion annually. The activities that make up this amounts come from paying regulators who inspect nuclear plants round the clock, as well as constantly changing materials that show sign of corrosion. Other statistics which take into consideration the cost of managing nuclear corrosion in all sectors of a nation’s economy are quite unbelievable. In first world countries- Japan, Russia, United States- where nuclear energy is used in various capacities, the total cost of managing nuclear corrosion covers a 3rd of these nation’s GDP annually. In the Us, $276billion is spent annually to manage corrosion and the approximately 100 nuclear plants in the country. It is also important to note that the figures listed above cover only the direct costs of corrosion in nuclear plants. Studies also show that corrosion has its indirect costs which are due power outages, delays, litigations and overhead costs. Taking these indirect expenses into consideration, the number rises to approximately $552billion spent annually as a result of corrosion in the United States. Breaking these figures further into the industries responsible for such expenditure we have; infrastructural expenses costing approximately $22.6billion yearly, utilities at $47billion and production and manufacturing industry at $17.6billion. In conclusion, it is important to note that even though maintaining nuclear plants and corrosion is an expensive process, these measures are required to eliminate future nuclear disasters. Today, nuclear energy scientist are continuously working to set policies and best practice methods to predict corrosion and building new-age nuclear systems which will drastically reduce the expenses the nuclear industry generates. Here we come to the end of today’s guide on writing an original narrative essay on nuclear corrosion. We would also like you to note that further reading materials such as this article on 10 facts for a narrative essay on nuclear corrosion coupled with an article on how to write a narrative essay on nuclear corrosion are complementary materials we believe you should read. References: King, F. (2009). Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Nuclear Waste Containers. Corrosion, 65(4), pp.233-251. Saji, G. (2013). Chemico-physical causes of Radiation-induced â€Å"Long-cell† Action Corrosion in Water-cooled Reactors. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 256, pp.102-116. Cox, B. (1962). Causes of a Second Transition Point Occurring During Oxidation of Zirconium Alloys. Corrosion, 18(1), pp.33t-36t. Feron, D. (2011). Nuclear Corrosion Science and Engineering, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 58(4). Maiya, P. Shack, W. Kassner, T. (1990). Stress Corrosion Cracking of Candidate Material for Nuclear Waste Containers Pg 46(12), pp.954-963. Copson, H. Berry, W. (1960). Qualification of Inconel for Nuclear Power Plant Application 16(2), pp.79t-85t. Gong, Y., Yang, Z. and Yuan, J. (2011). Failure Analysis of Leakage on Titanium Tubes within Heat Exchangers in a Nuclear Power Plant. Part II: Mechanical Degradation. Materials and Corrosion, 63(1), pp.18-28.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The History and Importance of the Vacuum Tube

The History and Importance of the Vacuum Tube A vacuum tube, also called an electron tube, is a sealed-glass or metal-ceramic enclosure used in electronic circuitry to control the flow of electrons between the metal electrodes sealed inside the tubes. The air inside the tubes is removed by a vacuum. Vacuum tubes are used for amplification of a weak current, rectification of an alternating current to direct current (AC to DC), generation of oscillating radio-frequency (RF) power for radio and radar, and more. According to PV Scientific Instruments, The earliest forms of such tubes appeared in the late 17th century. However, it was not until the 1850s that sufficient technology existed to produce sophisticated versions of such tubes. This technology included efficient vacuum pumps, advanced glassblowing techniques, and the Ruhmkorff induction coil. Vacuum tubes were used widely in electronics in the early twentieth century, and the cathode-ray tube remained in use for televisions and video monitors before being supplanted by plasma, LCD, and other technologies. Timeline In 1875, American, G.R. Carey invented the phototube.In 1878, Englishman Sir William Crookes invented the Crookes tube, an early prototype of the cathode-ray tube.In 1895, German, Wilhelm Roentgen invented an early prototype Xray tube.In 1897, German, Karl Ferdinand Braun invents the cathode ray tube oscilloscope.In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the first practical electron tube called the Fleming Valve. Leming invents the vacuum tube diode.In 1906, Lee de Forest invented the Audion later called the triode, an improvement on the Fleming Valve tube.In 1913, William D. Coolidge invented the Coolidge Tube, the first practical Xray tube.In 1920, RCA began the first commercial electron tube manufacturing.In 1921, American Albert Hull invented the magnetron electronic vacuum tube.In 1922, Philo T. Farnsworth develops the first tube scanning system for television.In 1923, Vladimir K Zworykin invented the iconoscope or the cathode-ray tube and the kinescope.In 1926, Hull and Williams c o-invented the tetrode electronic vacuum tube. In 1938, Americans Russell and Sigurd Varian co-invented the klystron tube.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Manufacturing Industry Evaluation Research Paper

Manufacturing Industry Evaluation - Research Paper Example 1.6 percent, 51.1 percent and 75.5 percent for the fluid milk industry, women’s and girl’s cut and sew dresses and the envelopes industries, and the electronics computers industries, respectively. According to this census, the level of competition for the fluid milk, women’s and girl’s cut and sew dresses, envelopes is highest for fluid milk and envelopes considering that Herfindahl Hirschman index for 50 largest companies is 1060, 829.9 and 185.5, respectively. The level of competition for the electronic computers industry is extremely high, considering that the Herfindahl Hirschman index for 50 largest companies is one of the highest at 2662.0. This reveals that the level of competition is lowest in the envelopes industry, whose Herfindahl Hirschman index for 50 largest companies is the lowest at 185.5, respectively. Oligopolies can be defined as industries whereby there are a small number of sellers or competitors. According to this definition, some of the listed industries that qualify as oligopolists include the envelope industry and the fluid milk manufacturing, whereby there are only 166 and 315 companies in the industries, a small number of industries in consideration of the other industries that have large number of competitors. The electronic computer manufacturing industry, for example, has 465 competitors or member companies. This means that the industry cannot be described as an oligopoly, rather, as an industry that is experiencing perfect competition. Some of the firms that operate in these industries are listed below. In the envelope industry, these firms include Warren De La Rue and Edwin Hill. In the fluid milk manufacturing, these companies include the Elmhurst Dairy, Inc., the Southeast Milk Inc., the Oberweis Dairy, the Dairy Dynamics, LLC, and the Rutter Bros Dairy, Inc (McEa chern, 2012). According to the definition of oligopolies above, one is bound to think that oligopolies are always bad for society. However, the listed

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Consumer Behaviour - Assignment Example Consumer Behaviour The term consumer behavior is simply the behavior that consumers display in searching, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of services and products that they think will satisfy their wants and needs. Consumer behavior centers at how individuals make decisions to use or spend their available resources, that is, time effort or money on consumption linked items. This simply means what they buy, where they buy it, when they purchase it, how often they utilize or use it, how they analyze it after they buy it and the impact of evaluating it in future and lastly, the way they dispose of it. In other words, consumer behavior can be used to refer to the behavior of individuals in regard to acquisition, utilization, and disposal of products, ideas, services or experiences. Acquisition and use of information are also included in consumer behavior. This means that, communicating with consumers and getting feedbacks from them forms a crucial and important part to marketers. Importance of studying customers’ behavior Studying consumer behavior is very significant in our lives. It plays a very crucial role in our daily activities. Every body spends a lot of time in market places and other places shopping different items. Before doing any transaction, everybody must make a decision. This shows that, consumer behavior cannot be avoided in our lives. It also plays a crucial role in marketing. Understanding consumer behavior is important in successful delivery of firms’ offerings in market places. ... This is analysis and evaluation of trends and conditions in market places to understand consumers’ needs that are not fully met. Here, it is useful in identifying the weaknesses and developing these weaknesses to meet consumers’ satisfaction. Consumer behavior is also used in Target Market Selection. This is identifying different groupings of consumers who have needs and wants that are unique and segment selection that matches the strengths of the firm. It analyses all this and then offer better chances and opportunities. Consumer behavior also involves Marketing Mix Destination. This is development and implementation of strategies for delivering effective combination of different features of satisfying wants to consumers within target market. Marketing mix is made up of four components, namely; place, promotion, price and product. Each and every person has his or her own way of perceiving or understanding things. Cognition and affect are one and same (Chisnall, 1995). Understanding of marketing strategy is also part of consumer behavior. Strategies used in marketing as well as the tactics are based on beliefs about consumer behavior. These beliefs can either be implicit or explicit. Not to forget, regulatory policy needs wide knowledge of consumer behavior. In addition, understanding of consumer behavior will also be incredibly useful in social marketing. Social marketing is use of marketing tactics and strategies to create or alter behaviors that have constructive effects on the target individuals and the society. It is used to increase sound environmental behaviors and to reduce vices like smoking. It is also used to improve support of charities and reduction of behaviors leading to HIV/AIDS. Evaluation of attitude According to Olson and Peter, analyzing